Singing Class

Hypomimia(absence of facial expression) and bradykinesia (slow movements) are symptoms of Parkinson Disease. Learning songs and expressing oneself with emotion are ways in which participants are encouraged to be aware of their facial expression and movements. Participants take pleasure in exercising their voice, playing with musical notions such as rhythm, tempo & harmony, and in interpreting songs with facial expression and emotion.

They learn how to identify subtle differences between pianissimo and fortissimo and between legato and staccato.

In the singing classes, participants learn various vocal warm-up techniques, and then off they are singing choir style. Most songs are chosen by the class members, and the variety is amazing: from ”California Dreaming” to Jacques Brel; a bit of Blues and then some folk songs. Les Voix du Parkinson sing in English, French, Spanish & even Zulu!

Listen to our summer song 2020 on youtube!

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