
Based on the most advanced research as to the positive effects of music and of certain types of movement for people with PD, PEM is a unique initiative which brings together the expertise of both dance and physiotherapy, as well as elements of ergonomics and voice training.

Our focus is to integrate recent rehabilitation research with various forms of dance. Currently we are using the research on LSVT BIG (for details please refer to uses large amplitude movements to regain a normal speed and size of movement. We choose both dance movements and functional movements to train in this way.

We choose music and dance forms to encourage the pleasure and understanding of movement. We have developed and created a class format that has a wonderful flow between structure and improvisation. The former allows for the learning of new movement patterns and the development of movement memory. The later allows the natural expressive capabilities inside our bodies to be accessed and explored.

The ultimate goal is to encourage the incorporation of dance, movement, and BIG into the daily life of our students. We aim to impact upon the everyday movement pattern and the interactions we have with the world.

A typical class

A dozen people with Parkinson’s dancing to lively music, doing the movements along with a physiotherapist & a dance therapist, and having fun at it! Quite an impressive sight since the most common symptoms of Parkinson’s are ‘freezing of movement’, impaired balance, muscle rigidity, and tremors!

Different classes for different people

Over the years, PEM has developed various class forms to respond to the needs & preferences of people with PD. Some will prefer our larger class groups in a large dance studio; others may prefer to be in our smaller group. Our teachers take the time to discuss with every newcomer what might be the best approach for each.

Our programs
Singing Class